Promoting public procurement as a tool to be used to protect and fulfil human rights whilst delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Human rights abuses can occur at different tiers of supply chain and against a range of different groups such as workers, communities and end-users.


Our mission is to create an international network that collects and disseminates good procurement and human rights practices and builds the capacities of stakeholders.


“States should promote respect for human rights by business enterprises with which they conduct commercial transactions”

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights


Public procurement accounts for a significant part of State’s public expenditure and GDP.

Changing procurement patterns impact greatly on human rights throughout supply chains. With years of experience on responsible procurement, our leadership team supports public bodies to integrate human rights into their procurement practices.

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Ready to take the next step?

Navigate through our website! It is divided by Thematic Hubs where you can find information on procurement of goods (e.g. electronics, apparel, and medical supplies), services (e.g. catering and private security) and works (e.g. construction, infrastructure), as well as on type of contracting bodies (universities, central government and international organisations). También tenemos un Hub en Español

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